Top 5 ways to choose a favorite team
If you're a casual fan (or a self proclaimed "not a fan at all"), you might wonder to yourself 'why would I even bother picking a specific team to call my own?'. Well, first of all... if you're reading this, then I think there might be a part of you that thinks it would be cool to have a favorite team! You're right. So stop second guessing and get to picking!
Specific Player: Sometimes there's just that one player that really catches your eye. Maybe you have something in common with him. Maybe he's killing it in the insta game with all those posts of his insanely cute pup. Maybe you admire all the good he does (looking at you JJ Watt). Maybe you just remember someone saying something about him and it just stuck. Whatever the reason, you're gonna stay true to your guy and follow him wherever he plays!
Uniforms: Do NOT underestimate the power of a killer uniform. My 10 year old self was totally suckered into this one. There's no shame in picking a team who's colors you actually want to rep! There are some pretty terrible options out there - why subject yourself to one if you don't have to?
Sibling Rivalry: Now, this one could also be titled "just to spite someone else" or "to spark debate within the household". Take the team that person likes and choose their rival! Or the lesser known team. i.e. everyone's a yankees fan so you decide you're going to like the mets. Everyone a Kings fan? Like the Sharks!
P.S. I think most people realize that the yankees and mets are baseball teams, but in case you were wondering to yourself who the heck the Kings and Sharks are, or trying to figure out when the Sharks became a basketball team, they're hockey teams :-)
Geography: This one is an easy one. Root for the home team! It's an easy way to relate to many people around you and also super easy to follow along bc the coverage will be so high. Bonus - local stores will totally carry their swag. Double Bonus - you'll always have something to chat that guy up about (you know, that cute one you always see but haven't figured out how to break the ice yet?).
Family Legacy: Sometimes you're just born into it. Your dad's a fan, your grandfather's a fan... Sometimes you marry into it. Either way, it can be fun to just embrace it! Share that with them. Celebrate the highs. Console each other through the lows. I see some awesome holiday family photos in your future.